Operations Alert - Hugh Mercer & Walker Grant

Dear FCPS Families,

Tomorrow, March 5, two of our school sites will operate as designated voting destinations. 

Hugh Mercer Elementary School and Walker-Grant Middle School have shared their plans for ensuring smooth transitions during the day. Below are those plans.


Morning (6am to 8am)

  1. Teachers who park in the back parking lot will use parking spaces starting next to the recycling dumpster. All other parking, including the parking immediately in front of the gym entrance (handicap also) will be left open for voters and the public to use. 
  2. Car rider line routine does not change.
  3. Please be aware that voters will be directed by polling staff to drive up the middle road and turn into the third lane of car rider line to access parking/curbside voting.

School Day (8am to 4pm)

  1. Voting will be isolated to the gym. No one is to enter the gym except for PE teachers and PT staff to access their offices, as needed. This will be for the entire day, both before and after school hours.
  2. PE teachers will be contacting classes/teachers to let them know where to meet the PE teachers for PE specials on Tuesday, March 5th.
  3. Dismissal, car rider lines are still the same.
  4. Students K-5 will stay together on the cafeteria side during afternoon dismissal. No students will be allowed in the gym for car rider at dismissal and the door in the retractable wall must remain closed. 
  5. Voters will not have access to our bathrooms or the any areas outside of the gym doors. 

Evening (4pm to 8pm)

  1. Polls will remain open well after students dismiss and contract hours end. 
  2. After-school remediation needs to be mindful of voting still going on and not allow students to access the gym.

WALKER-GRANT MIDDLE SCHOOL — Principal Steve Ventura

Location: The primary election voting will take place in Room 104.

Entrance/Exit: Voters will exclusively use the designated entrance for Room 104; all other doors will remain closed during the voting period.

Parking: To facilitate a smooth voting experience, staff will refrain from parking in the upper left side of the building. This area will be reserved for voters.

Deliveries: No food deliveries will be scheduled on this day to minimize disruptions to the voting process.