Good evening, Hugh Mercer Students and Families,
Welcome to the final two weeks of school till our Winter Break! I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Tomorrow, we are ready to start a great week of learning and fun together as we prepare for our Winter Break.
This week we have an early dismissal day on Tuesday, December 10. Students will be released at 12:45 PM that day. Please submit any transportation changes to the main office and your child’s teacher tomorrow for this early release day.
Reminders from last week:
Thank you for helping Hugh Mercer increase its average daily attendance and thank you for helping to decrease student absences from school.
Please remember that school starts at 8:20 AM and that students arriving by car need to be dropped off before 8:20 AM. Returning from an extended break it is important to get back into routines right from the start.
Instruction and Assessment
Starting December 12, we will have our Q2 Benchmarks given for grades 2 thru 5. Math and Literacy benchmarks will be given for each of those grades. 4th and 5th grades will also take a Science benchmark and 4th will take a Virginia Studies benchmark. The Q2 Benchmark will conclude by December 20. These assessments are used to guide your child’s teacher’s instruction and to help assess what academic supports and resources your child may need based on their current mastery of the content for their grade level.
December 12: 2nd through 5th grades Literacy Benchmarks
December 13: 4th grade Science Benchmark
December 16: 3rd Math Benchmark, 4th Virginia Studies, and 5th Science Benchmark
December 17: 2nd, 4th, and 5th Math Benchmarks
Remediation and support for students not demonstrating proficiency on their grade level SOL standards and grade level skills has begun. Remediation and support are given during our intervention blocks during the day and during our after-school support sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Safety and Behaviors
Families, please encourage conversations about conflict resolution with your child(ren). HMES does not allow students to settle conflict by using hurtful words or physical touch. Integrity and empathy are essential skills for your child to have when dealing with conflict or social situations that may cause anxiety.
Our students are here to learn and prepare for their future, not to disrupt the classroom environment. I encourage you to review our Patriot Pride expectations with them, emphasizing what respectful behavior looks like in the classroom, cafeteria, hallways, and on the bus.
Upcoming Events
December 10 @ 12:45 PM: Early Dismissal
December 18-19: Grades 3-5 Spelling Bees
December 20: End of Q2
December 20: Last Day of School before Winter Break
December 23 - January 3: School Not in Session (Winter Break)
January 7: Return to school (start of Q3)
As always, we are looking forward to another productive and positive week ahead. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Your partnership is essential, and working together ensures the success of every Hugh Mercer student.
I hope you enjoy your evening and look forward to a wonderful week ahead.
Patriot PRIDE, always,
Mr. Snyder