VDOE News Release -- VDOE Announces 472 Virginia Schools Receive $12 Million in School Security Equipment Grants

The following article was written & compiled by the Virginia Department of Education, from the desk of Dr. Lisa Coons, Superintendent of Public Instruction.

VDOE Announces 472 Virginia Schools Receive $12 Million in School Security Equipment Grants

Richmond, Va. — The Virginia Department of Education today announced the awarding of $12 million in School Security Equipment Grants to 96 school divisions and 472 schools to help protect students, faculty and staff, and visitors.

"The equipment purchased with these grants will help ensure the safety of all students and staff in Virginia's public schools," said Superintendent of Public Instruction Lisa Coons. "Every child deserves a high-quality education experience, one where they can deeply focus on learning and growing the minute they step onto a school bus or pass through the door of their school. These grants help create safe, supportive environments, both on school grounds and while traveling to and from school."

Most of the equipment applied and approved for purchase include voice and video internal communication systems, mass notification systems, security card access systems, visitor ID badging systems, surveillance cameras, two-way radios, security vestibules, interior bus cameras, and bus two-way radios. The 2024-2025 school year grants have been awarded on a competitive basis, with each awarded school divisions eligible to receive grant awards up to $250,000.

The 472 schools were awarded funds based on a rank ordering of applications’ point total on the competitive application criteria. The criteria developed by VDOE and the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services gives priority to schools most in need of modern security equipment, schools with relatively high numbers of offenses, schools with equipment needs identified by a school security audit, and schools in divisions least able to afford security upgrades.

Listed below are the grant amounts and schools for each awarded school division for grant year 2024-2025:

School Division

24-25 Grant Award

School Applications Awarded Funding

Accomack County


Accawmacke Elementary, Arcadia Middle, Chincoteague Elementary, Chincoteague High, and Kegotank Elementary

Alleghany Highlands


Alleghany High, Callaghan Elementary, Covington Middle, Jeter-Watson Elementary, Mountain View Elementary, and Sharon Elementary

Amelia County


Amelia County Elementary, Amelia County High, and Amelia County Middle

Amherst County


Amelon Elementary, Amherst County High, Amherst Elementary, Amherst Middle, Central Elementary, Madison Heights Elementary, and Monelison Middle

Appomattox County


Appomattox County High, Appomattox Elementary, Appomattox Middle, and Appomattox Primary

Arlington County


Ashlawn Elementary, Barcroft Elementary, Barrett Elementary, Carlin Springs Elementary, Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary, Gunston Middle, Hoffman-Boston Elementary, Kenmore Middle, Long Branch Elementary, Randolph Elementary and Washington-Liberty High

Augusta County


Churchville Elementary, Edward G. Clymore Elementary, and Riverheads Elementary

Bath County


Bath County High

Bedford County


Bedford Elementary, Bedford Primary, Big Island Elementary, Goodview Elementary, Huddleston Elementary, Liberty High, Liberty Middle, Moneta Elementary, Montvale Elementary, Staunton River High, and Staunton River Middle

Botetourt County


Central Academy Middle

Bristol City


Virginia High, Virginia Middle, and Virginia Primary School

Buchanan County


Riverview Elementary/Middle

Buckingham County


Buckingham Co Prekindergarten Center

Buena Vista City


Enderly Heights Elementary, F.W. Kling Jr. Elementary, and Parry McCluer High

Campbell County  



Altavista Elementary, Altavista High, Brookville Middle, Concord Elementary, Leesville Road Elementary, Rustburg Elementary, Rustburg High, Rustburg Middle, Tomahawk Elementary, William Campbell High, and Yellow Branch Elementary

Caroline County


Bowling Green Elementary, Caroline High, and Caroline Middle

Carroll County


Carroll County High, Carroll County Middle, Gladesboro Elementary, Gladeville Elementary, and Oakland Elementary

Chesterfield County


Beulah Elementary

Clarke County


Johnson-Williams Middle

Colonial Beach


Colonial Beach Elementary

Colonial Heights City


Colonial Heights Middle, Lakeview Elementary, North Elementary, and Tussing Elementary

Craig County


Craig County High and McCleary Elementary

Culpeper County


A.G. Richardson Elementary, Culpeper Middle, Emerald Hill Elementary, Farmington Elementary, Floyd T. Binns Middle, Pearl Sample Elementary, and Sycamore Park Elementary

Danville City


Park Avenue Elementary and Woodberry Hills Elementary

Dinwiddie County


Sunnyside Elementary

Fairfax County


Fairhill Elementary, Forestdale Elementary, Franconia Elementary, and Lemon Road Elementary

Fauquier County


Mary Walter Elementary

Fluvanna County


Central Elementary and Fluvanna Middle

Franklin City


Franklin High

Franklin County


Benjamin Franklin Middle, Boones Mill Elementary, Callaway Elementary, Dudley Elementary, Ferrum Elementary, Franklin County High, Glade Hill Elementary, Lee M. Waid Elementary, Rocky Mount Elementary, Snow Creek Elementary, Sontag Elementary, and Windy Gap Elementary

Frederick County


Apple Pie Ridge Elementary, Bass-Hoover Elementary, James Wood Middle, and Middletown Elementary

Fredericksburg City


Hugh Mercer Elementary, Lafayette Elementary, and Walker-Grant Middle

Galax City


Galax Elementary, Galax High and Galax Middle

Giles County


Macy McClaugherty Elementary/Middle

Gloucester County


Abingdon Elementary, Achilles Elementary, Bethel Elementary, Botetourt Elementary, Page Middle, and Petsworth Elementary

Grayson County


Fairview Elementary, Grayson County High, Independence Elementary, and Independence Middle

Greene County


Nathanael Greene Elementary and William Monroe High

Halifax County


Clays Mill Elementary, Halifax County Middle, Meadville Elementary, Scottsburg Elementary, Sinai Elementary, South Boston Elementary, and Sydnor Jennings Elementary

Hampton City


A.W.E. Bassette Elementary, Aberdeen Elementary, Albert W. Patrick III Elementary, Alfred S. Forrest Elementary, Alternative Learning Center, Ann H. Kilgore Gifted Center, Armstrong Elementary, Barron Elementary, Benjamin Syms Middle, Bethel High, C. Alton Lindsay Middle, Captain John Smith Elementary, Cesar Tarrant Middle, Christopher C. Kraft Elementary , Francis Asbury Elementary, Francis W. Jones Magnet Middle, George P. Phenix Elementary, Hampton High, Hunter B. Andrews, Jane H. Bryan Elementary, Kecoughtan High, Luther W. Machen Elementary , Mary S. Peake Elementary, Mary T. Christian Elementary, Mary W. Jackson Elementary, Moton Early Childhood Center, Paul Burbank Elementary, Phillips Elementary, Phoebus High, Samuel P. Langley Elementary, Thomas Eaton Middle, and William Mason Cooper Elementary

Harrisonburg City


Bluestone Elementary, Skyline Middle, Smithland Elementary, and Waterman Elementary

Henrico County


Arthur Ashe Jr. Elementary, Chamberlayne Elementary, Crestview Elementary, Greenwood Elementary, Harvie Elementary, Henry D. Ward Elementary, Longdale Elementary, Pemberton Elementary, Seven Pines Elementary, and Skipwith Elementary

Henry County


Fieldale-Collinsville Middle, G.W. Carver Elementary, and Laurel Park Middle

Hopewell City



Carter G. Woodson Middle, Dupont Elementary, Harry E. James Elementary, Hopewell High, Patrick Copeland Elementary and Woodlawn Pre-School Learning Center

King George County


King George Middle, Potomac Elementary, and Sealston Elementary

King William County


Hamilton Holmes Middle

King and Queen County


Central High and Lawson-Marriott Elementary

Lee County


Dryden Elementary, Elk Knob Elementary, Flatwoods Elementary, Rose Hill Elementary, and St. Charles Elementary

Louisa County


Louisa County High, Louisa County Middle, Moss-Nuckols Elementary, Thomas Jefferson Elementary, and Trevilians Elementary

Lunenburg County


Central High, Kenbridge Elementary, Lunenburg Middle, and Victoria Elementary

Lynchburg City


Robert S. Payne Elementary

Madison County


Madison County High, Waverly Yowell Elementary, and William H. Wetsel Middle

Manassas City


George Carr Round Elementary and Richard C. Haydon Elementary

Martinsville City


Albert Harris Elementary, Clearview Early Learning Center, Martinsville High, Martinsville Middle, and Patrick Henry Elementary

Mathews County


Thomas Hunter Middle

Middlesex County


Middlesex High

Newport News City


B.T. Washington Middle, Crittenden Middle, Denbigh High, Ella J. Fitzgerald Middle, Ethel M. Gildersleeve Middle, Heritage High, Homer L. Hines Middle, Mary Passage Middle, Menchville High, Warwick High, and Woodside High

Norfolk City


Lindenwood Elementary and Norview Elementary

Nottoway County


Blackstone Primary, Crewe Primary, Nottoway Intermediate, and Nottoway Middle

Page County


Luray Elementary, Luray High, Luray Middle, Page County High, Page County Middle, Shenandoah Elementary, Springfield Elementary, and Stanley Elementary

Patrick County


Meadows of Dan Elementary, Patrick County High, and Patrick Springs Primary

Pittsylvania County



Brosville Elementary, Chatham Elementary, Chatham High, Chatham Middle, Dan River High, Dan River Middle, Gretna Elementary, Gretna High, John L. Hurt Elementary, Kentuck Elementary, Mount Airy Elementary, Southside Elementary, Stony Mill Elementary, Tunstall High, Tunstall Middle, Twin Springs Elementary, and Union Hall Elementary

Poquoson City


Poquoson Primary

Portsmouth City


Brighton Elementary, Churchland Elementary, Cradock Elementary, Cradock Middle, Douglass Park Elementary, Hodges Manor Elementary, I.C. Norcom High, Lakeview Elementary, Mount Hermon Preschool Center, Olive Branch Preschool Center, Park View Elementary, Waterview Elementary, Westhaven Elementary, and William E. Waters Middle

Prince Edward County


Prince Edward County High, Prince Edward Elementary, and Prince Edward Middle

Prince George County


David A. Harrison Elementary, J.E.J. Moore Middle, L.L. Beazley Elementary, Middle Road Elementary, North Elementary, Prince George High, and South Elementary

Prince William County


Mary Williams Elementary

Pulaski County


Critzer Elementary, Dublin Elementary, Pulaski County Middle, Pulaski County Senior High, and Snowville Elementary

Radford City


Radford High

Rappahannock County


Rappahannock County Elementary

Richmond City


Albert Hill Middle, Amelia Street Special Education, Armstrong High , Barack Obama Elementary, Bellevue Elementary, Blackwell Elementary, Broad Rock Elementary, Cardinal Elementary, Chimborazo Elementary, Dogwood Middle, Elizabeth D. Redd Elementary, Fairfield Court Elementary, Frances W. McClenney Elementary, Franklin Military Academy, G.H. Reid Elementary, George W. Carver Elementary, Henry Marsh III Elementary, Huguenot High, J.B. Fisher Elementary, J.H. Blackwell Preschool, J.L. Francis Elementary, John Marshall High, Linwood Holton Elementary, Lois Harrison-Jones Elementary, Lucille M. Brown Middle, Martin Luther King Jr. Middle , Martin Luther King Jr. Preschool, Mary Munford Elementary, Mary Scott Preschool, Maymont Preschool, Miles Jones Elementary, Oak Grove/Bellemeade Elementary, Open High, Overby-Sheppard Elementary, Patrick Henry School Of Science And Arts, Richmond Alternative School, Richmond Community High, Richmond High School for the Arts, River City Middle, Southampton Elementary, Summer Hill Preschool Center, Swansboro Elementary, Thomas C. Boushall Middle, Thomas H. Henderson Middle School, Thomas Jefferson High, Westover Hills Elementary, William Fox Elementary, and Woodville Elementary

Roanoke City


Round Hill Elementary

Roanoke County


Glenvar Elementary

Rockbridge County


Maury River Middle and Rockbridge County High

Rockingham County


Montevideo Middle and Wilbur S. Pence Middle

Russell County


Belfast Elementary and Lebanon Elementary

Shenandoah County


Ashby-Lee Elementary School, Sandy Hook Elementary, Stonewall Jackson High School, and W.W. Robinson Elementary

Smyth County


Atkins Elementary, Chilhowie Middle, Marion Elementary, Marion Middle, Saltville Elementary, and Sugar Grove Elementary

Southampton County


Capron Elementary, Meherrin Elementary, Nottoway Elementary, Riverdale Elementary, Southampton High, and Southampton Middle

Spotsylvania County


Smith Station Elementary, Spotsylvania Elementary, and Spotsylvania Middle

Stafford County


Andrew G. Wright Middle, Anne E. Moncure Elementary, Donald B. Dixon-Lyle R. Smith Middle, Edward E. Drew Jr. Middle, Falmouth Elementary, H.H. Poole Middle, North Stafford High, Stafford Elementary, Stafford Middle, Stafford Senior High, and Widewater Elementary

Staunton City


Arthur R. Ware Elementary, Bessie Weller Elementary, and Staunton High

Suffolk City


Creekside Elementary, Mack Benn Jr. Elementary, and Northern Shores Elementary

Surry County


Surry Elementary

Sussex County


Sussex Central Elementary and Sussex Central High

Tazewell County


Abb's Valley-Boissevain Elementary, Cedar Bluff Elementary, Dudley Primary, Graham Intermediate, Graham Middle, Richlands Elementary, Tazewell Intermediate, Tazewell Middle, and Tazewell Primary

Virginia Beach City


Corporate Landing Middle, Hermitage Elementary, Indian Lakes Elementary, King's Grant Elementary, Kingston Elementary, Larkspur Middle, Linkhorn Park Elementary, Lynnhaven Elementary, Plaza Middle, Point O' View Elementary, Salem Middle, Virginia Beach Middle, W.T. Cooke Elementary, and White Oaks Elementary

Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind


Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind

Warren County


Hilda J. Barbour Elementary, Skyline High, and Warren County Middle

Washington County


Damascus Middle, E.B. Stanley Middle, Wallace Middle and Watauga Elementary

Waynesboro City


Kate Collins Middle, Waynesboro High, Wenonah Elementary, and Westwood Hills Elementary

Westmoreland County


Washington District Elementary

Williamsburg-James City County


D.J. Montague Elementary, Matthew Whaley Elementary, and Norge Elementary

Winchester City


Daniel Morgan Middle and Garland R. Quarles Elementary

Wise County


Central High, Coeburn Middle, Coeburn Primary, Eastside High, J.W. Adams Combined, L.F. Addington Middle, Union High, Union Middle, Union Primary, and Wise Primary

Wythe County


Fort Chiswell High, Fort Chiswell Middle, George Wythe High, Jackson Memorial Elementary, Max Meadows Elementary, Rural Retreat Elementary, Rural Retreat High, Rural Retreat Middle, Scott Memorial Middle, Sheffey Elementary, Speedwell Elementary, and Spiller Elementary

York County


Bruton High