Principal Wheeler's Weekly Update

Good Evening Lafayette Families,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a successful second semester ahead. We kicked off the new term with enthusiasm, and I am optimistic about maintaining this positive momentum throughout the remainder of the school year.

As we step into the new year, I want to emphasize the crucial role of attendance and punctuality. Regular attendance and timely arrival contribute significantly to your child's academic progress and overall success. While we understand that unforeseen circumstances and illnesses may lead to absences, timely communication is key. You can conveniently report any absences through our attendance link on the school website.

Additionally, we ask that you support our school and its students by completing the Impact Aid survey, which was sent home with your child in their Friday folder last week. Your participation in this survey helps our school district apply for additional funds for federal connected students. Please ensure that completed surveys are returned to school by January 15th via your student's folder for the homeroom teacher to collect. If you have any questions regarding the survey, feel free to contact the Finance Department at (540) 372-1130.

Family Life classes will begin for all students in late January.  Please stay tuned for more information about our upcoming Family Life Parent night on Tuesday, January 16th, where families will be invited to Lafayette to review the instructional materials that will be used. If interested, families are encouraged to review the VDOE Family Life standards linked below.

Attached, you will find the Family Parent Letter and Opt-Out Form. Kindly submit this form only if you prefer your student not to participate in Family Life. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Emily Flynn at


A friendly reminder that Monday, January 15th, will be a holiday for all students and staff as we commemorate the late Martin Luther King Jr. and his impactful contributions to history.  School will reopen on Tuesday, January 16th.  

Your continued support is invaluable, and we are here to address any questions or concerns you may have. Feel free to reach out to us at 540-310-0029.

Thank you for being an essential part of our Lafayette community.

Warm regards,

Mrs. Wheeler