Good Evening Lafayette Lions and Families,
I hope you all are enjoying your long weekend.
We've been experiencing unprecedented winter weather and FCPS is closely monitoring this week’s weather. In the event that inclement weather requires remote learning days, students will need to complete instructional learning packets, which will be sent home on Tuesday, February 18. These packets should only be completed if a remote learning day is officially announced. Once school resumes, packets must be returned to help us account for attendance during these days. Please encourage your child to do their best, as these assignments reinforce key learning concepts. Stay tuned throughout the week for updates via email, phone calls, and school messaging systems regarding any schedule changes.
Below, you will find important information about upcoming events.
Upcoming Events:
February 17: President's Day (No School for Staff or Students)
February 19 (UPDATE): Fredericksburg City Schools Kindergarten Registration, from 5:00-7:00 PM
February 20: Walker-Grant Middle School CTE Pathway Night 5:30-7:30 PM (W-GMS CTE Flyer)
Upcoming Assessment:
February 3-28: WIDA Access Test
February 24-March 6: Quarter 3 Benchmark Assessments (testing period for quarter 3 benchmarks for grades 2-5)
Looking Ahead:
March 2-7: Read Across America Week
March 6: End of Quarter 3
Attendance and punctuality are critical to supporting your child’s success. If your child is healthy, please ensure they are present and on time. (Attendance Notes)
Thank you for your continued support as we work together to create a safe and positive learning environment for all students. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns at (540) 310-0029.
With Lion PRIDE,
Dr. Mayronne